Tuesday, February 1, 2011

19 Weeks

So Micah didn't seem to think it was necessary to include my head, but whatever. :)


  1. I found your blog through Kristen's... hope you don't mind. I had no idea you were pregnant! You are looking great! Congrats... so happy for you both!

  2. Hey Louisa, you are looking so cute, but make sure Micah gets your head in next time !! Ha Ha. Love you lots

  3. He/She is growing so fast! How exciting! You are STILL looking fab! Almost 1/2 way done, YIPPY!!!!

  4. cutie! glad everything is going well. when do you find out the gender?

  5. Okay, not only would I not mind... but I would LOVE it! I have found that people that I am friends with and then become blog friends with... we end up becoming even better friends. Look forward to blog stalking you. ;o)
