This past weekend, we had the great opportunity to go on vacation with my side of the family. We headed down to Duck Creek Village in southern Utah on Saturday. It was such a fun trip!
We stayed in a nice cabin that had plenty of room for all of us, but tons of common space to allow us to have good, quality, family time together.
The first day for our family was just about getting there, getting settled in, and start out by relaxing. The following day was when the real fun began. We started out by hiking the Queen's Garden Trail that was supposedly little kid and elderly people friendly. Sounded like my kind of hike. It was really fun, and the kids did just fine, but I don't know that I'd say it was super kid friendly. 😂 We all did have a great time, though. I felt really accomplished by the time I was done. It's been awhile since I've done a hike like that. Joe was strapped to me the whole time, but he did really well and was asleep for most of it. I was really anxious at first with the heights. I really had to talk to myself about staying calm, as I am absolutely terrified of heights. Lol. I didn't let them get the better of me, though.
It was BEAUTIFUL, and the hoodoos were so awesome. We saw what we thought was the Thor's hammer hoodoo, but it wasn't it. It's pretty similar, though.
Lila was hilarious! She loved looking at all the different shapes and sizes, and at one point she exclaimed "Mama, look at that huge Doodoo!!!" It was so adorable. We all had a good laugh with that one. I did tell her what it really is called. :)
The kids were able to pick out a souvenir. Lila got some cool, shiny rocks to add to her collection, and Brighton got a pocket knife. He was obsessed with it the rest of the day. Immediately when we returned to the cabin he started cutting grass and bugs (I know, gross), and began stabbing the ground, "whittling" sticks, and all sorts of other adventures. Micah talked to him about knife safety before we cut him loose, and he honestly did very well, considering it is his first knife.
The rest of the day we relaxed at the cabin. I wasn't feeling super great in the afternoon and evening, but karaoke was going on, and I had to hear the great talents of my family. The kids went first, and were super cute. Lila won the kid category and got a sparkly blue microphone. She couldn't believe it! It was everything that she had been hoping for, and the microphone really made the vacation for her. Brighton did a really great job, too. I was honestly so proud of both of them for just getting up and sharing their talents. Micah even got up!
The rest of the evening was filled with games, and sleep a little bit earlier on.
Monday was our family's last day there, as I had work the next day, but it was still filled with lots of fun. The morning was another hike. This time we went to Cascade Falls. It was amazing! I loved the hike!!! Again, the kids did amazingly well, and Joey even stayed awake on this one! I think he loved how peaceful it was being strapped to his mama and being out in nature. 😊😉
After the hike, we once again headed back to the cabin and enjoyed the afternoon being lazy and playing games.
It was a really great vacation and I'd definitely love to return some day. The kids did such a great job and had so much fun! Micah was such a good sport through all of it, and definitely helped me to have a great time.
We hope to see you again, Duck Creek!
The only real hiccup, was actually right at the very end of the trip. The kids honestly slept 95% of the time on the way home. It was amazing! We thought it was going to be a super smooth end to our wonderful trip, when just after we passed the last exit before ours, we got stuck in a traffic jam. Then, when we finally made it to our exit, it turned out that the direct path to home was closed due to construction, so we had to take a detour. It ended up adding 15 minutes to the end of our trip. Not a big deal, but it was so funny how everything else was perfect, right until the very end. Isn't that how it goes?!
I'm putting all of the pictures at the end, because it's just easier that way. :) Also, they are in no particular order. More will be added as I get them from fellow family members.

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