For my birthday my sister Emma gave me a voucher for two people to have two games of bowling at Fat Cats. Well, due to my wisdom teeth, we are poor, so this was the perfect time for us to go out and have fun without spending money. It was a lot of fun and even Lila seemed to love being in a new place.
After the first game you can clearly see that Micah and I are horrible bowlers. Lila even bowled better than I did.
By the second game, however, Micah had at least improved his... I just got worse. :)

Lila LOVED all there was for her to look at and "play" with at the bowling alley. She would clap when she saw something that excited her and was seriously drawn to the bowling balls.

At one point, they changed the lights so we were disco bowling and Lila had even more things to look at. They had these red and green lights that would make patterns on the floor. I don't know if you can really see them in the video. You can see that she's dancing a little at the beginning and in the middle. She was dancing a lot more, but when I finally got the camera out she decided to yet again go for the bowling balls. I'm a great videographer. ;)
I forgot how much I love bowling even though I am terrible at it. Thanks Emma for the great time!