We went and saw The Hunger Games and The Avengers. First, we went to The Hunger Games and then literally three minutes after the movie ended The Avengers was starting so we went straight in for that. I've never seen two movies right in a row before, but it was kind of fun to do it that way. They were both really good movies, so I think that helped.
After, we decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch/dinner. It was quite an adventure getting there... Can I just say that rainstorms in Houston are crazy? They seem to come out of nowhere. Micah and I had brought an umbrella to the movies with us because there were a few grey clouds in the sky. When we walked out of the theatre there were a few drops here in there, but it seemed like we had just missed the storm. Then, we noticed the drops were coming down a little bit more after about 15 seconds, so we decided to open up our umbrella. Lucky for us a gust of wind came up right when we opened our umbrella and turned it inside out! It was really funny, but we felt bad as it was Micah's parents' umbrella. Then the rain really started to pour and we still had to walk across the mall parking lot to get to the Cheesecake Factory. By the time we reached the doors we were dripping wet, like movie rain dripping wet. The hostess of the restaurant asked if we wanted extra napkins to help us dry off. :) It was funny. Micah has a picture of me under the mangled umbrella, but it's on his phone so I'll have to get it another time.
The next day, we decided to go to the Houston temple and once again Micah's mother was very kind and watched Lila. It's such a beautiful temple and it was great to feel the spirit so strongly. I love that it's the same in whichever temple you go in. The promises that we make and blessings we are promised are so beautiful and I'm so grateful that I have this knowledge!