This week has been event filled, fun, and very exhausting.
Sunday I hit 32 weeks. Not anything too exciting here, but I have a picture so I thought I would mention this.
Monday was a long math day and the beginning of Teacher Appreciation Week so, while it was long, I got to spend the first hour of work eating breakfast while my room mom did a project with the kids. It was really nice.
Tuesday was the best of the week! Jared and Tracee moved their family back from Australia and surprised us all. We knew they were probably going to come back sometime this year, but we never thought it would be this early. No-one knew except for my sister Eliza because she was getting married. It was such a great surprise to go down to my parent's house and see them there. I finally got to see my ADORABLE new nephew. Thanks for the great surprise Jared and Tracee! So that night was obviously a lot of fun.
Wednesday I had another ultrasound and I got to see our beautiful baby girl. She is still looking just as adorable as ever and I got a lot of new cute pictures of her. She is healthy but VERY large. I have to admit that I'm nervous for delivery. :)
Thursday was my acutal doctor appointment and it went over very well. I no loner am measuring big, and I don't have extra amniotic fluid anymore so I don't have to take non stress tests. Yay! There was one thing of concern and that was my iron. It dropped even lower so I have to start taking iron supplements twice a day, drink prune juice, and eat prunes. It's going to be interesting, but I only have a few weeks left of pregnancy and I'll do anything to keep our baby healthy. Oh and because my daughter is so big Dr. Cloward thought about moving my due date, but decided not to because we already moved it once. I'm just hoping the ultrasound is off on the weight as they told me they tend to overestimate on it.
Friday was Eliza's wedding. It was freezing cold, but she looked beautiful and incredibly happy. It was a fun day in all and the wedding was beautiful. I'll post pictures of that day when I get some from family members. I'm really happy for Eliza and Josh and proud of them for making it to the temple to be sealed eternally. This picture is of Micah and I at the wedding...
We were exhausted by the end from having been on our feet all day, and we got home really late about 11:30 which is late for me. Especially for what I was going to do the next morning.
This morning I participated in a 5k at my elementary school. I got to the school at 7:30 to warm-up and it was cold, but when the sun would peek out from behind the clouds it wasn't bad. Being 8 months pregnant, many of the teachers were concerned, but I wasn't planning on running it so I wasn't worried. I did power walk most of it, at least a power walk for a pregnant lady, and I felt really good after. I'm really happy I did it even if it took me 55 minutes. Sad time I know, but I'm just happy I finished in under an hour. We had a great turn out and were able to raise quite a bit of money for our music lab so I'm excited. It was so much fun and I really enjoyed spending time with some of the teachers outside of work. I also have to tell you that the guy that had the fastest time ran it in 16 minutes. 16 minutes! He could have finished it four times before I even finished it once. Haha! He is my inspiration. Here are a couple of pictures from that great adventure.
Finally, as I said before, it was Teacher Appreciation Week at our school and I got lots of sweet notes and yummy treats from my class. Then on Thursday I received a few outfits for my baby girl. Because I missed school on Friday I wanted to look over the substitute's notes after the 5k so I went into my classroom. On my desk was a beautiful basket filled with baby items for me. My favorite thing was that the basket was actually a baby tub with suction cups to stick to our tub. I'm so excited to have these items to help me out and am so grateful for the love of all my students and their parents.
As you can see I've had what I feel was an eventful week and so many wonderful things are happening right now. I feel truly blessed and am grateful for these times. The last thing I'll be doing this week is going to Sweet Home Chicago Pizza tonight for my sister's birthday. I haven't had it before, but I hear it is really good and I think it will be a great way to end such a week.
I may have missed some things so if I remember anything and feel it is really important to mention, I will be adding things. ;)